About This Course

French classes for toddlers - 3 to 5 years old

Starting at a young age, learning a new language is proven to lead to greater mental agility and improvement of memory growing up.

Therefore we have a team of teachers that is trained to teach from a very young age. From 3 to 9 years old studies show that the brain is under development to build a foundation for future learning.

Kids are able to acquire basic language knowledge. Through songs, drawings and games, our interactive French online lessons will be building French knowledge for the students. Our classes will dig the foundations of spelling and grammar in French.

French class for kids - 6 to 9 years old

In Singapore or abroad, children may be in contact with foreign students and very likely other cultures. Learning a new language, especially when starting young, has demonstrated to increase critical thinking, problem solving and creativity skills. Studies clearly show that students learning foreign languages surpass their classmates in other supposedly unrelated subjects such as mathematics.

While learning French at the French Council of Singapore, and thanks to a structured
curriculum, our young students are learning theme by theme and follow their own pace to
ensure the concepts are acquired before moving on to the next. In addition, our French lessons help target the DELF Prim exam for young kids. This is an easier version of the well-known DELF exam: it allows kids to have a first certificate and see the results of their work.

DELF Prim information is also available here:

Our Pricing

Flexible Pricing plans

You can choose between flexible lesson hours.

Choose the plan which suits you the best.

60 minutes

90 SGD

90 minutes


120 minutes
